
Starbound spooked
Starbound spooked

starbound spooked

And then he says those words that cause your heart to drop into your stomach: "Nuclear Detonations." For the next few moments you don't hear anything else he says, instead just hoping, praying that music will play and the anchor will admit that it's all just a joke, a cruel prank pulled by the news station.

#Starbound spooked tv#

To put it into perspective: It's late October, you're talking with your spouse, possibly about going to the park, maybe preparing for Halloween.and then you turn to the TV and see the news on.It’s kind of scary for the players born after 2000 as well since a good amount will expect to be alive in 2077.The introduction itself is raw, unadulterated nightmare fuel for gamers old enough to remember the Cold War, even in the closing years with the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl accidents, considering total nuclear annihilation was a very real, very present threat that existed on a day-by-day basis at some points."Residents of Sanctuary Hills! If you are registered, evacuate to Vault 111 immediately!" Cue the air-raid sirens, hysterical panic, and the Vertibirds making the ominous announcement: Justified by the news anchor when he reports confirmation that nukes have detonated in NYC and Philadelphia, meaning the northern part of the Eastern Seaboard just got annihilated, and the missiles are making their way down the coastline for Boston, Concord, Washington D.C., Arlington, and more. This means that while for you the day is still normal, at least for the next few seconds while you play with your child and converse with your spouse, for others hundreds of miles away in the larger cities, the end of the world has already come. It's very likely to be something much, much worse: The sounds of the first nuclear weapons detonating on American soil. It could simply be an Autumn wind breezing by.except the trees outside aren't moving. Listen very carefully when you turn the mobile for Baby Shaun in the intro, and you might hear something that sounds like a low, rumbling/whooshing sound coming from outside.And then it happens, and that world is lost forever. If it wasn't for the news report, you'd never even know there was the threat of nuclear war.

starbound spooked

The game starts on the day the bombs fall, and instead of being what you'd expect, with people cowering in fear and expecting the bombs to come at any moment, it's just. It becomes even worse when we see the Pre-War world.Anyone who has heard actual news reports during large disasters or tragedies knows how jarring and terrifying it is when reporters aren't Stepford Wives levels of upbeat. Only a trailer and Bethesda already hit us with the nightmare fuel, namely, the news report during the 2077 segments.

Starbound spooked